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Functioning of facades in Laravel

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Functioning of facades in Laravel

Are you having a cheaply designed API which is not unified properly, and look terribly complex? The use of a Facade pattern may assist you to solve the issue. Laravel, now stands as a popular PHP framework utilized by web developers all round the world. A Laravel development company can make use of excellent facade patterns provided by the framework, and create APIs that look well-arranged and flawless. The Facade pattern used in Laravel can be linked with other frameworks.

What is a Laravel facade?

It is a basic class in Laravel platform having an interface similar to static services within the container. A facade works like a proxy for collecting the critical applications of the services that a container offers. The title can invite many doubts in the minds of developers, but it will be so simple to understand a Laravel facade, if you take it as a basic class.

Implementation of facades in Laravel 

Like most of the other PHP frameworks, Laravel maintains a unique name for each of the services it has in the container. APP::make() is the function which we use in applications to get a service straightly from the container. Together with the make(), we just need to include the specific method name, as well. While using Laravel, for getting things done in a perfect way, we need to specify the code,  //someService::methodName();//.

Every service in Laravel enjoys the prerogative of a facade class, which forms a part of the support package. A laravel developer has to use the getFacadeAccessor() for  restoring the specific service name in the container. Let us take the case of above mentioned code to mention the functioning of a Laravel interface. The term, someService used in the codes indicates the facade class. methodName() is actually highlighted by a class called someService. Thus,the code works without any interruption by maintaining certain amount of clarity.

Base Facade

Actually Laravel implements facade with the aid of base facade. There is a private property titled as $app, and it holds a reference of the service container. If a developer uses setFacadeApplication(), he can also utilise the facility of a Laravel facade with other frameworks. For invoking static methods that are not in reality, the base facade in Laravel has an excellent method, namely ‘callStatic’. This method will automatically trace out the corresponding services in the container for the implementation of the base facade class in Laravel. callStaticmethod() is a vital snippet to be implemented for the smooth functioning of the facade in Laravel. Every facade class enhances the base class. For the returning of service titles from the container, developers need to invoke the getFacadeAccessor() method.

Aliases & How facades are ‘aliased’ in Laravel?

For making use of facades, developers should import them, for they are basic classes in PHP. PHP is a platform which has tremendous assistance for the ‘namespaces’ as well as ‘autoloading’ . Only thing we need to make sure is that we have invoked them with the help of correct titles. For implementing aliases we just need to add App\Facades\SomeServiceFacade:SomeMethod(). If we use this in the code script, it will help Laravel to deal with aliasing automatically with the support of an alias loader.

Laravel has a, which is a storehouse of alias names in the form of alias array. Notice this array closely, we can find every single alias name mapped to a completely equivalent class names. It gives developers freedom to use titles as they wish for defining a facade class. Thanks for the Laravel AliasLoader which is created in the Foundation package. It aids Laravel for the automated aliasing of facades by invoking related functions, and fully qualified names from the container.


As mentioned in the beginning of this article, implementation of facades makes your API look so clean as well as to perform well. Thus it proves to be essential for every Laravel development company for the creation of agile web applications.

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  1. Great to share about Laravel and i understand Laravel facade.
